Sunday, February 28, 2016

Why Weight Watchers?

I've been asked why I chose Weight Watchers when there are so many available weight loss options.  I know people who have tried every fad diet known.  A doctor suggested that I have weight loss surgery (the lap band).  My husband briefly tried juicing.  There are plans that you buy prepackaged meals so that you know exactly what to eat.  There are diets where you drink weight loss shakes and take supplements.  So many options...

I have nothing against weight loss surgery but I didn't feel it was for me, at least not at this point.  I have told myself that if I can't make this change happen (and last!) that I will have to consider this option.  I have two problems with the surgical option.  First, I have seen MANY people who have had great results and they lose lots of weight, only to put it all back on.  The surgery doesn't prevent you from gaining the weight back.  The second, and the most important reason for me to stay away from this option, is that you still need to learn how to eat properly even with the surgical option.  So why not just do it?  I recognize that some people need that jump start to their weight loss but I think too many go into it thinking of it as a magical fix and when they actually have to work at it they can't make it happen, even with the surgery.

I could never do the juicing thing.  It's a pain in the ass in my opinion and I would rather eat my calories than drink them.  I don't think it would satisfy me at all.  The prepackaged meals can help you lose weight but they are expensive and don't teach you how to eat properly and make healthy choices.  And I am not interested in any of the weight loss plans that have any kind of stimulant or things to increase your metabolism.  I'm all for increasing metabolism but I would prefer to do it in a natural way.

So Weight Watchers seemed the perfect choice.  I love that you can still eat whatever you want and don't have to make certain foods off limits.  Through their points system you learn how to eat and what foods are healthy choices.  You can still have those potato chips or chocolate cake but you just have to plan for it and track the points for it.  Since you have limited points it makes you ask yourself the question "is it worth it?" before you eat it.  Usually I find it isn't worth it!

I like that I can still make meals for my family that they will enjoy and that are Weight Watchers friendly.  I didn't like the idea of having to make one meal for my family and something different for me.  Plus, my family gets the benefit of eating healthy!

I like the support that Weight Watchers provides.  I actually look forward to the weekly meetings and weigh-ins.   It makes me want to succeed since I am being held accountable.   And there is a WW app that has a "Connect" feature that is like Facebook for WW members.  You can ask questions or share your successes.  You can find recipes and food suggestions and see before and after pictures of others.  And although I haven't used it yet, you can get personal coaching 24/7 through the internet or on the phone from Weight Watchers coaches.  And everyone who works for Weight Watchers has to have been through the plan and reached "Lifetime" status by reaching their goal weight so they know what you are going through and how to best help you.

And lastly I really like the new focus of Weight Watchers--Beyond the Scale.  Yes, I want to lose weight but more importantly I want to be healthy and feel good.  I wish I could say that the number on the scale didn't matter to me but it does--a LOT!  But it's not the only important thing and I am able to appreciate the other "wins"--fitting into clothes that didn't fit before, being less tired, knowing that I am improving my health, being able to do something physical that I couldn't do before.

I just felt that Weight Watchers made the most sense for me.  I feel like it is something that I can do long term and that I can be successful with.  My hope is that it is the plan that changes my life!


  1. I am glad that you found something that is working for you and not because someone else is doing it. What works for one person may not work for another. Having the encouragement along the way, I know helps tremendously! You will find through your journey many people who will not be as supportive. (I have a couple of family members like that!) Sad, but true. You have to do what you feel is right for you. You have to do what you feel is going to make you happy. You cannot worry about what others think of you. Have I said how proud I am of you? Well, girl, I am very proud of you! Keep striving to be the better and healthier you that you desire for yourself and your family. Love you!
