Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Weigh-In: Week 15

So, this week was the big week!  I just needed .2 pounds to make my 50 pound goal!

This week's loss:  +.4     <----- Yes, that DOES say +  (sigh!)
Total Loss to Date:  -49.4

Yeah....that was NOT what I was looking for.  :(  I was NOT happy and it took me a couple of days to let it go.  I didn't do anything different this week--I stayed under my points and drank tons of water.  This is the first week I have had a gain since I started and it was at the worst possible time.  I am big on goals and this was the first one I had set for myself.  I know it was kind of ambitious--50 pounds in 15 weeks--but I was SOOOOOO close!!

I have a theory on what happened.  Fast forward past this paragraph if you don't like to hear about bodily functions and girl stuff.  I have ongoing issues with diverticulitis and this week I was having a bit of a flare up and was unable to poop.  (Yes, I said POOP!)  That, combined with bloating from my monthly cycle, and I was a bloated, miserable mess.  I felt like I was retaining a small lake.  Plus I honestly think that I put so much pressure on this one week that my body just retaliated.  I know that might sound a little crazy to some but that's how I feel...  I had a bad feeling all week that I wasn't going to make it....I had convinced myself of it....it seemed crazy that I couldn't get there since I needed only .2 of a freakin' pound.  But it didn't happen.  :(

Now, I will allow myself to call it a partial win because I said I wanted to lose 50 pounds by my birthday and when I stepped on the scale on Saturday I did make it.  But in my mind it wasn't an "official" weigh in so it doesn't count.  Yeah, I'm nuts...

So, onward we go.  I am trying to put this past me and want to try and make it this week so that I can pass this hurdle and move on toward the next goal.  I will tell you I am not feeling very good about it based on the numbers I have seen on my home scale this week but I'm gonna keep on going.  And if I don't make it this week I will have my pity party, throw a few things, and move on.  I promise I won't quit.

I am wondering if this is a test.  Maybe someone wants to find out if I am really serious and if I will continue on in the face of adversity?  (Yes, I know that's a little dramatic!)  I am very much a black & white person and in my mind I see this scoreboard with "Win" or "Loss" and right now there is a big old check mark next to the loss column.  :(  I know I need to get over this and realize that it's a journey and it won't always be smooth travels but I DO NOT LIKE TO FAIL!!

And before you say it....I know that this isn't a failure.  I've lost almost 50 pounds in less than 4 months.  I am proud of that and happy about it.

Hey, I never claimed to make sense....

If you caT
Total Loss to Date: -49.8 wants us to think about this before the meeting:  What is your vision for the church and how will it promote change 
In 25 words or less
If you can, Mike wants us to think about this before the meeting:  What is your vision for the church and how will it promote change 
In 25 words or less

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