Friday, April 22, 2016

Weigh-In: Week 14

The picture about says it all!!

This week's loss:  -3.6
Total Loss to Date: -49.8

Almost there!!  My goal is to be at 50 pounds lost by my birthday (April 30).  I have one more weigh in before then so I should definitely be able to make it.  Only need .2 of a pound!!  So close!!  Gotta make sure I have a good week so I don't miss this goal!

This week at our Weight Watchers meeting someone shared a quote that I thought was worth sharing...

I'm trying to look at it this way because I NEVER want to find this weight again!  I'm trying not to think of this as a diet....that implies that there is an end date to it....this has to be forever.  It's still difficult to wrap my head around that but I am working on it...  I hope that by the time I reach my goal weight I have been doing this for so long that it is a habit....and that I feel so good that I never want to go back to the way I was.   What's the quote?  Nothing tastes as good as thin (or healthy) feels!

1 comment:

  1. Love this quote!! As to the mindset, yes, it takes some time to get your body used to doing new things. It takes time to change how you think of the food that you are putting in your body. For a long time, in my younger years, I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain anything. In fact, at that time, to gain weight was a good thing. Now, not so much! Sometimes I feel that just looking at something makes me gain. You are right though, don't think of it as a diet. Think of it as a life change! Not only for you, but also for your family. When you are eating healthier, they are eating healthier. So you are not only changing yourself, you are changing them. I am so proud of the progress you have made! You have come a long way. You have the tools at your disposal and you are using them wisely. Will you fall off occasionally? Absolutely! The key is to just get back to it the next meal! Don't think, "Well, I have already screwed up today so who cares about anything else I eat." Think, I will do better with the next meal. Yes, you may be over for the day, but you won't be as over if you check yourself for the next meal. You are doing great! You are very conscious of what you are doing and that is awesome!
