Saturday, March 12, 2016

Riced Cauliflower

Whoever came up with this idea is a genius!  Such a simple (and obvious!) idea but genius nonetheless!

If you have a Trader Joe's near you, run out and get this stuff!  Though that is actually easier said than's almost always out of stock and people line up when the stores open to get it!  We had to call and have them save some for us when the shipment came in and even then they are putting limits on how much you can get because everyone (at least everyone on Weight Watchers!) wants it!

So basically it's just cauliflower that has been made into little pieces the size of rice.  You can eat it by itself or use it in place of rice--like with Chinese food or a stir fry.  You can use it in soup to take the place of pasta.  Lots of uses!  The best part?  ZERO SMART POINTS!!!

This stuff kept me under points after having a terribly unhealthy lunch that used up most of my points for the day.  Phew!  I was out at a luncheon and there was no choice of what to eat.  It was all high point stuff--a basket of cornbread, muffins and rolls, pot roast with gravy, chicken and biscuits, potatoes, veggies and fresh berry shortcake.  Yikes!  I did the best I could but I was hungry so I had to eat something.  I ate a little bit of everything and just figured out the points as best as I could.  I only ate the fresh berries off of the shortcake and someone else just wanted the cake so we traded and I took her berries and gave her my cake!  Why do I still feel guilty when I eat bad stuff even when I don't go over my points??  Hmmm...

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