Friday, March 11, 2016

Weigh-In: Week 9

Nine weeks.  That's like two months!  One-sixth of a year!  Still going strong...

This week's loss:  -4.4 
Total Loss to Date: -32.4

After last weeks .8 pound loss I was hoping for a good week so I was happy with 4.4 for this week!  I was a little concerned because of all of the meals on the road but I knew I had made good choices.  Makes me think that maybe I can do my upcoming Vegas trip without TOO much damage!!

Got some new bling this charm for losing more than 10% of my body weight!!  WooHoo!!

Added my 10% bling this week!!


  1. Great job Susan. Keep up the great work. When I did this, WATER was my best friend. The more I drank the better I did. NO POP!

    1. Who is my anonymous commenter?? Identify yourself! :) I am drinking lots of water....and *trying* to limit my diet pepsi....but I haven't given it up completely.... Baby steps!

  2. You look amazing! You should be so proud of yourself! I agree about the water. Plus, protein to keep you full longer. -Karen O.

    1. You are such a liar!! LOL Thanks for the black bean pasta....I can't wait to try it!!!
