Friday, March 4, 2016

Weigh-In: Week 8

Let's get right to it...

This week's loss:  -0.8 
Total Loss to Date: -28

Sigh.  I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed in that.  I wish I could explain it but I did everything right this week and it just wasn't the loss I'd hoped.  I know I am going to have weeks like this still sucks! :(  I do think it may be related to my monthly cycle so I am hoping I will bounce back next week.  Sorry if that is TMI...

No worries...I am NOT giving up.  :)  It was just a little reality check.  Things had been going too well and I should expect bumps along the way.  Hey, I'm still down 28 pounds in less than 2 months, right?

1 comment:

  1. Don't let this steal the joy of the progress you have made. You will find some weeks are better than others and being down 28 lbs is great progress toward your goal.
